Best Vastu Shastra Tips for Interior Décor - Space Designing Studio
Best Vastu Shastra Tips for Interior Decor

Best Vastu Shastra Tips for Interior Décor

  • Blog
  • June 15, 2023

Creating Harmonious Spaces

Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architectural science, provides guidelines for creating harmonious living spaces. Incorporating Vastu principles into your interior décor can enhance positive energy flow and promote well-being in your home. This article will explore the best Vastu Shastra tips for interior décor, focusing on genuine practices that have stood the test.

Introduction to Vastu Shastra:

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living

Vastu Shastra, derived from the Sanskrit words “Vastu” (meaning dwelling) and “Shastra” (meaning science), is an ancient Indian practice that aims to establish harmony between individuals and their living spaces. The principles of Vastu Shastra consider various factors, such as the layout, orientation, and energy flow within a building, to create an environment that supports physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

The Role of Vastu Shastra in Interior Décor

Interior décor plays a crucial role in creating a positive and balanced atmosphere within a home. When aligned with Vastu Shastra principles, your interior design choices can enhance the flow of energy and promote harmony. Here are some key considerations:

Entrance: Ensure that the access to your home is well-lit, inviting, and free from clutter. It should ideally face east or north to attract positive energy. Avoid placing mirrors or reflective surfaces directly opposite the entrance, as they may deflect positive energy.

The Role of Vastu Shastra in Interior Decor

Colours: Choose colours for your walls and furniture that resonate with the desired energy of each room. For example, warm tones like yellows and oranges are suitable for the living room, fostering lively conversations and warmth. Soft pastels or earthy tones are recommended for bedrooms, promoting relaxation and tranquillity.

Furniture Placement: Arrange furniture in a way that allows for free movement and creates a sense of openness. Avoid blocking pathways or placing furniture with sharp edges, disrupting energy flow. Position beds, desks, and other furniture according to Vastu guidelines for optimal energy flow.

Lighting: Natural light is highly beneficial, so maximize the use of windows and skylights. Adequate artificial lighting should be installed in darker areas to maintain a well-lit environment. Soft, diffused lighting creates a calm and soothing ambience, while brighter lighting suits areas requiring focus, such as study or workspaces.

Genuine Vastu Shastra Tips for Creating Positive Energy in Your Home

Genuine Vastu Shastra Tips for Creating Positive Energy in Your Home

You can also contact the top interior designers in Hyderabad for home interior design packages, 3bhk interior design package, 2bhk Interior Plan considering the Vastu Shastra.

Sacred Space: Designate a specific area in your home for meditation, prayer, or reflection. This sacred space should be clean, clutter-free, and filled with items that inspire positive thoughts and energy, such as candles, incense, or spiritual symbols.


Mirror Placement: According to Vastu Shastra, mirrors should ideally be placed in the north or east direction. Avoid placing mirrors directly opposite the bed, as it may disrupt sleep. Mirrors can be strategically positioned to reflect natural light and create an illusion of space.

Indoor Plants: Incorporating indoor plants adds a touch of natural beauty, purifies the air, and enhances positive energy. Choose plants with rounded leaves and avoid thorny varieties. Please place them in your home’s east or north areas for optimal Vastu benefits.

Clutter Management: Clutter obstructs the flow of energy in a space. Regularly declutter and organize your living areas to maintain a clean and harmonious environment. Dispose of unnecessary items and ensure that storage solutions are efficient and well-maintained.


By integrating Vastu Shastra principles into your interior décor with top interior designers in Hyderabad, you can create a living space that promotes positive energy, balance, and well-being. The tips mentioned above serve as a starting point for aligning your home with Vastu principles. Remember that each individual’s needs and preferences may vary, so it’s essential to adapt these guidelines to suit your style while respecting the underlying principles of Vastu Shastra.